Wilson's Prom, South End 1997.

Page 2.

Day 5: Around to Enclave Point for the next night, a horror stretch that I doubt I will feel the need to repeat, until they put in a track. We disturbed a European Wasp nest in the ground...of all the acres of bush out there we kick the wasp nest...and the ti tree and scrub was practically impenetrable.


Rodondo Island looking particularly majestic.


You can just make out the Tiger snake we surprised on this last rocky outlook before heading down the hill and through the ti tree toward Enclave Point.


The waterfall at Enclave Creek. Not much water happening...


Mouth of the Encave Creek, known to some as The Nick, at low tide. It's like a beautiful natural boat ramp, only your boat would get smashed to bits....


Wattle Island from the rocks at The Nick.


The coast west of Enclave Point and the Nick.


Day 6: Around to the west from Enclave point, and along the north western coast toward Mt. Norgate.

Our beautiful islands, from above Enclave Point.



Anser Island off the north west coast on the way to Mt Norgate.


Day 7: Up Mt Norgate, down the other side to Oberon Bay and out to Tidal River.

This panorama (click it for the BIG version) is made up of seven shots at 50mm taken from the rugged northern slopes of Mt Norgate. In the center is Oberon Bay and Mt Oberon, with Norman Island to the west and Mt Wilson and Monkey rocks out to the east. The view actually takes in nearly a full 180 degrees, and shows beautifully the contrasting landscape of the Promontory. It is a view you can drink in all day.


This shot, through a 24mm lens, may give a little perspective to the panorama.


Oberon from within an interesting little rock formation.



The mouth of the river at the north end of Oberon Bay, Mt Wilson in the background.


The End

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